Port Blair, Nov 10: The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) through its Electronic Media Production Centre has been producing thousands of Audio & Video CDs on various subjects for IGNOU learners. The Port Blair Regional Centre (RC) library has over 100 such CDs on curriculum based lectures and discussion. To facilitate the students of Port Blair, the Regional Centre is starting special video classes on 11TH November-2017 (Saturday) between 10 am to 1 pm. First such special class on Sociology (ESO-01 Simple Societies, Social Change in India and ESO-02 Hari Bhari Sampada ) subject will be organized at first floor of Kannada Sangha Building, IGNOU Regional Centre, Mohanpura, Port Blair. Each topic specific video class will be of 30 minutes duration. It is planned to play 4 to 6 CDs on Saturday. The RC is also informing its learners about the video class through SMS communication. The video classes are organized in addition to face-to-face academic counseling sessions on Sundays at IGNOU study centre (JNRM). This additional facility is to promote the passing percentage of IGNOU students of Port Blair. Among the five sense organs of our body, the contribution of eyes and ears play important role in human learning. The video classes will definitely enrich the IGNOU learners academically and yield good scores in exams. Besides IGNOU learners, the regular college students of JNRM/ANCOL other Universities are also invited to attend video classes. The class will be in English/Hindi languages.
A communication from IGNOU Regional centre Port Blair said.
Special Video-Class at IGNOU on Saturday
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